Sunday, 22 June 2014


In the process of evolution all the beings, lives and theories about living seem to be getting superior and powerful in their own reality. Notions that did not change with time have deceased. Few are blemished. And the worst of all, we are still trying the preserve what is already perished!

“Culture”, an ordinarily used word to describe predefined and well accepted characteristics and expected behavioral outlines of a particular community or a society.  Culture differentiates men from others based on religion, place, language, arts etc. In modern days culture belongs to beings. Where they go, they take their culture along with them!

The term "culture," is originally derived from Latin word “cultura”, meaning “cultivation”. Cultural means cultivation of the soul or mind. Culture is cultivation of free will and individuality under all the circumstances and in all the places with different surroundings that do not deviate from their inherent nature. It is beyond rigidity and detachment. Culture is to promote unlimited potential of man to grow. It is to create right environment for man to evolve. It is to set a way of life which every religion speaks of. It is not the same as social behavior.

Today, culture is perceived to describe behavior of individual in the community and not the free individuality. An individual is said to have deviated from his or her culture when he is living as an individual with free will without following man-made restrictions. The idea of wrongdoings has impaired the real culture which speaks about being authentic self and expressing true human emotions. The depth of human culture has been overwritten by the shallow myths created. It is mistaken for social behavior which is a narrow and over trafficked lane on which no human beings should be walking anymore.

But that is our culture nowadays. Unlimited limitations without any restrictions and free will to follow rules! Trying to fit into a society and familiar environment and striving to be different! Adapting to the old beliefs because they say the new ones are evil!

It would be incorrect of me to say that the culture has lost its meaning because I have my own culture. Culture that allows me to be myself and look beyond the limitations they have set for me, Culture that appreciates exploring free will and fulfilling my inner desire, Culture to which I belong that is beyond place, religion and language, Culture that says reality is just a myth and life is a dream!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

So he asked.. “Why can’t we remain unaffected by our surroundings? What do we have to do to be indifferent to them? They hurt a lot! They make us lose our focus! Why not make yourself so strong that nothing in this world can shake you! Nothing can dare break you! We always remain calm and work towards the goal we have set for the day and never feel sad or low!?!”

Yes! That will happen.. Soon.. That moment is just around the corner…
The moment when you are dead!

They say there is nothing beyond life. On the other side of life you can’t feel because we all are one. So soon you will be indifferent! You will not be affected by surroundings! You will only be dead!

What’s the point in being indifferent if you can’t feel the pain of missing that one thing you want the most! Indifference will never let you work towards it!
Let me tell you, you will not hear the music that calms your nerves. You will not feel the touch of your own. The poem will lose it soul. Romance will starve. Ha-ha! You will not be scared of death because you are already dead!
Numbness is not as resilient as the zeal that will lead you to venture on the road not travelled on at all!

You still want to remain unaffected?? Go ahead..
You will not be affected! and soon there will be no creativity to express your indifference! Lack of creativity will kill the love for solitude and soon you will be again affected by the indifference!

When the flowing river receives affectionate invitation from the ocean that knows abundance it cannot remain indifferent! If river is indifferent the ocean will soon die.. River keeps falling till the time it reaches the ocean.. Rocks roll her way giving her a rough ride and she makes them only her companions but only till the time she meets the ocean. Without them she will reach before time. But she will not be as clear as she must be to know the sanctity of being affected by the surroundings. Rocks won’t make the best of their existence if they distance themselves and do not accompany the river..
They all go through ups and down.. and they are not unaffected!
They have accepted!

They now know the secret of happiness is hidden in the core of sadness which is indifferent from happiness! They create life only when they fall for each other!