Saturday, 4 October 2014

Just Before The Dawn..

All human beings have the essential urge to help the society and make a mark in the world before leaving. I believe we evolve through helping the community. Serving others as they try to move up the ladder of life, helps us ascend on our path towards the god.

Somewhere while I was trying to be kind and trying to help the society, I realized how messed up I am.. It was very depressing to know that the beggars living on the road were at a better liberty than me! All they wanted was some food, clothes. The whole world is their home! They are fearless.. Life is life for them. They just live and someday they just die.. I am not judging their importance or not even I am declaring that they are not a significant part of the community. I am not even sure if they have dreams and desires or not! These are just my assumptions that I have arrived at only in an attempt to find a better way to live my own life.. All I want to say is I wish I could do the same.. Simply live and then someday.. just die! No worries. No dreams. No regrets. No desires to achieve anything! Live. Die.

I think life depicts itself through the people who own nothing. People who simply live for today. Life reveals itself through nothing. Life follows acceptance of being.. just being.

Nobody has yet understood what life is. But everyone is constantly making efforts to make it better!
We all are super busy shaping up our lives, becoming something and making things better. Every day we solve one more problem and every day brings with it another challenge. That is what is life for us.. for me as well..! So again I ask myself.. is this not just the way of living life? Yes, it is! But eventually we feel something is missing. Sometimes wealth, sometimes love, sometimes enthusiasm.. but some or the other thing is always missing .. and the chase is never over.. is it ever going to get over?? And how!?? Because, if all of us stop chasing “whatever” we are looking for, the world will stop moving.

In search of the answers, we read books on healing life, read texts on all life related philosophies, watch videos on YouTube, attend art of living sessions or do meditations and yoga! One thing still keeps on revolving around you and your mind will still be confused and ask repetitively “WHY?”! You know you are doing everything right! The secret has been revealed to you and you are following it the exact way. You feel positive, you think positive, you also have faith in the god. I am sure you also must be expressing enough gratitude! You have attracted the best job, a lot of wealth, perfect life partner.. and still “it” is missing!

A familiar voice then says “Just close your eyes and keep finding your way through the darkness. Be assured that you are never reaching the destination. You cannot reach a place that does not exist. But keep walking..”

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