Sunday 12 April 2015


It amazes me to see a leap the technology has taken. A speed, at which the technology has been growing currently, visibly shows that the entire mankind is evolving rapidity. As we evolve the processes of manifestation becomes faster. And thus, technology has a direct relationship with evolution of human kind.

Internet is a key element in technological evolution. Man has again found out a way to do away with the limitations of time and space. Our mind has been already hijacked by this tool to bring out our thoughts to paint them on the canvas of everybody else’s mind making it one big universal mind. The truth is revealed to people in an instance. The lies don’t remain hidden for long. Justice happens quicker. The world is making sure that everyone digs deep inside to make sure that all of that is hidden comes out to be showcased to those who need to know. We have been given a lot more freedom at its own cost.

We have come up with new devices and such evolutionary features attached to them, which are making the whole of existence be one with itself.

But seriously… Do we really know everything that we really need to know about the technology?! Do all the product reviews and sites presenting features of the products talk about what is exactly being used by the people and the purpose behind it? Do we really know that the best blessing that allows us grow beyond limits of time and place can turn into a huge monster who can swallow the whole world in a moment! Do we know that freedom comes with a great responsibility to treat it with reverence?

Every aspect of life has two sides.. Good and Bad.. One is white the other is dark!

Technology too has two facets and we are aware of the both! One only needs to be conscious of how we are being pushed faster to reach the destination. One only needs to be conscious that the time is moving faster and only now is the time to do it all! Use it not to spend the time but to speed up the process of life! And at the end of the day what one needs to know is behind the veil of the material things that we see there is something more that we all need to know and understand.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!
